Friday, June 14, 2013

A Wet and Wild Day for British School: Day 2

An unusual but welcomed fact was that all the kids drifted off to sleep on the first night pretty much as soon as their heads hit the pillows. There was some talk of a certain individual talking in her sleep, and some "strange noises" coming reported by some of the boys; however a wake up call at 5:30am from some of the boys was a little too much for our French Guide, Kiki, who does like, and need, his beauty sleep! Do remind them of this early wake up call the next time you have difficulties getting them up in the morning for school! 

Well, what to say about Day 2 - with heavy, heavy rains overnight we were fearful that we might have had to cancel our most thrilling adventure of the stay - our trip to the canyon with the kids. An early morning scouting team was dispatched from Borderlands to see whether the rains meant the canyon would be less of a water playground and more of a raging waterfall.

As this recce took place the kids were warmed up with some stretches, exercises and games to make sure they were ready for the challenge awaiting them today.

Having been given the green light to go ahead by our recce team, and with Mr Goodwin having driven all the way from Colombo to spend the day in the canyon with the kids, the students were kitted out and on their way.

As always the kids are fully kitted out in life jackets, helmets and paddling jackets which help keep them warm, a necessary option given the weather and the fact that they spend a good few hours in the water.

The canyon needs to always be treated with caution and respect, especially when the water is high and fast flowing. Today ropes were used to ensure that everyone crossed potentially dangerous spots safely - the canyon was a real adrenalin pumper today - roaring water, deep pools and gushing waterfalls - all managed expertly by our guides, and enjoyed thoroughly by the children, who described the experience as "totally awesome."


The evening was spent with the kids performing their skits, which they had started working on at school and had a chance to hone to perfection before the big performances. Well done to all the kids, they all did really well, and for many who probably had to dig deep for that extra bit of confidence to perform in public.

As is the tradition on all Borderlands Youth Programmes the final night is party night, and there should be no exceptions just because these kids are in Junior School. So as a special treat they had 2 hours of haranguing poor Ken for their favourite tunes - lots of dancing, lots of fun, and again a very tired bunch of kids who went to bed by 10pm! 

That's it for tonight - until tomorrow! British School and Borderlands signing out. 

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