Wednesday, January 29, 2014

OSC Day 3 - Intro to Kayaking and Rafting!

An introduction to kayaking and rafting awaited us today, providing us with both technical experience regarding the activities, as well as experience on working together as a team on rafts and kayaks. We were split into two groups, one that took two rafts up and down river and another that jumped into kayaks, which they paddled up and down river as well. Both the groups were given a brief but detailed explanation about hydrology (including descriptions of vector flows, eddies and streams).

The rafting group was divided into two teams that were placed in one raft each. As the raft was paddled up and down stream, the groups were taught how to hold a paddle properly, get back on to the raft if they fell out and the various commands associated with rafting. 

On the other hand, the kayaking group was taught how to paddle properly, create group formations and wave surfing. Both these activities were highly taxing in terms of both physical and mental strength, as we were often paddling against strong currents and thinking about the right actions to take in certain situations such as when we had to make the raft or kayak straighten along the river. 

Each group swapped their activities (kayaking and rafting), after a short break for lunch. At the end of the day, everyone had most if not all the strength drained from their bodies and were craving a rest. It was by far the toughest day yet.

Ashab a.k.a Orion

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