Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Day 5: "When Everything Seems Like An Uphill Struggle, Just Think Of The View From The Top"

"As the sun floated above the horizon, the start of the days of Sri Lankan adventure began. Hustling and bustling all the students managed to make it to morning stretches 15 minutes late. After the interactive games of passing five water jugs around and watching Kirk drop the bottles 50% of the time, we made our way to the teeth-chattering river. The glorious river bathing was followed by a scrumptious American breakfast.

The the mind-boggling, earth shattering activities began. As Oliver was detached from his Fantastic Four, two groups were split into rafting and kayaking. The kayaking group made their way up the river with blood, sweat and tears. As the last of their tears dripped into the river, the group made it to the white water section.

After lunch the rafting group engaged n an environmental yet uplifting classroom session in the river: River Science (aka Hydrology) 101. The class was filled with interesting topics including learning about eddies, currents, and hydraulics. This engaging lesson made a chaotic river turn into an infusion of flowing natural essence. With this extensive learning the group went to see how far the knowledge took them. Through flips and turns, paddling and river rescue, the group was able to defeat the challenges that the river put to them.

Although appearing as quite long, our journey is coming to and end soon. With a young group of people finally bonding as a family, the days that appeared like seconds, will be deeply cherished."

Daisy, Sagar, Sogu and Oliver

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